Unionville South Pet Hospital

4721 Highway 7 East
Markham, ON L3R 1M7



Our Staff



Nicole, Vet Assistant

 Nicole, Vet Assistant

Lillian, Vet Assistant

Lillian, Vet Assistant

Lillian has been part of the USPH team for 5 years.  She is fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin.   She has a Shiba Inu, toy american eskimo and red eared slider.  In her spare time, she loves to go rock climbing, badminton, boxing and taking her dogs out for a walk or a car ride.

Lillian 加入了 USPH 團隊 5 年。 她能說流利廣東話及國語。 她善於團隊合作,會根據張醫生的指引,耐心地講解寵物健康醫療上的問題以及使用藥物的指示和方法,並嚴密跟進各症。她家裡有一隻柴犬,愛斯基摩犬和一隻巴西龜。 閒時她喜歡攀石,拳擊,羽毛球,亦會帶兩隻狗狗外出到處遊玩


Evelyn, Vet Assistant

Evelyn, Vet Assistant

Evelyn is a newcomer to Canada. She is a pet lover and loves to interact with them. Inspired by the furry friends she met, she wants to utilize what she learnt as
a medical laboratory technologist on pet caring. She is fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. You may find her when you bring your pets
here for checkups so feel free to say Hi!

Angela, Vet Assistant

Angela, Vet Assistant

Angela is a veterinary assistant at Unionville South Pet Hospital. She is responsible for checking in your furry friends and making sure they are comfortable during their visit here. You can find her assisting Dr. Eve  during your pets appointment or upfront greeting your pet when they come in. On her off days, she likes to spend time with her dog Sunny and take him on many adventures. Ask her for dog friendly recommendations! 


Angela是USPH的兽医助理。 她致力让各位毛孩在逗留期间开心愉快。 您会经常见到她在欢迎毛孩或在协助张医生诊症。 假日的时候,她喜欢与她的狗狗 Sunny 共度时光,并带他去进行许多冒险。 有任何狗狗的问题欢迎向她资讯。