Unionville South Pet Hospital

4721 Highway 7 East
Markham, ON L3R 1M7




Our Veterinarian


Dr. Eve Cheung

Dr. Eve Cheung


From an early age, Dr. Eve Cheung’s life passion was be to a veterinarian.  She focused her schooling for this specific goal. Dr. Eve graduated from the University of Illinois with honors and worked in a Chicago suburb for 11 years where she treated birds, reptiles and small mammals in addition to dogs and cats.  She frequently volunteered with 4 Paws Luv Rescue and helped with examinations, medical care and surgeries at the Anti-Cruelty Society in Chicago.  She also volunteered at Chicago Animal Care and Control.  These experiences helped Dr. Eve see a variety of cases but also allowed her to treat patients that would have otherwise had no access to veterinary care.

Dr. Eve and her family moved to Markham in 2019.  She was a medical director of an animal hospital for 3 years prior to Unionville South Pet Hospital. Dr. Eve is fluent in Cantonese and English.

“Being a vet here at Unionville South Pet Hospital has been my life’s ambition: to be able to provide quality, progressive and knowledgeable veterinary medicine for my community.  My professional interests are in dentistry, ophthalmology and internal medicine.  My hobbies include cooking, being a foodie =), and traveling.  When not working, I enjoy time with my 2 children and my husband.  You will frequently see my family with me at the hospital.  I enjoy being a part of you pet’s care from puppyhood/kittenhood to senior care.  My dedication and commitment is to give you the best options to keep your pet healthy.”

張醫生從小的夢想就是成為一名獸醫,並以此成為終身學習目標。 張醫生以優異的成績畢業於 University of Illinois,並在芝加哥郊區工作長達11 年,除了貓狗外,她還治療過鳥類、爬行類和小型哺乳動物。 她經常在 4 Paws Luv Rescue 擔任志願者,並在芝加哥反虐待協會幫助檢查、治療有需要的動物和進行各類不同類型的手術。 她亦有在芝加哥動物護理和控制中心當志願者。 這些經歷幫助了張醫生透過各種病例而獲取經驗,同時也讓她能夠幫助無法獲得適當治療的動物。

張醫生和她的家人於 2019 年搬到萬錦市。在加入 Unionville South Pet Hospital之前,她曾在一家寵物醫院擔任醫學總監 3 年。 張醫生亦精通廣東話和英語。

“在Unionville South Pet Hospital寵物醫院成為一名獸醫是我的一生抱負:為我的社區提供優質、先進和知識淵博的獸醫學。 我的專業興趣是牙科、眼科和內科。 我的興趣包括烹飪、多處探索美食 =) 和旅遊。 下班後,我喜歡與我的兩個孩子和丈夫在一起。 你會經常在寵物醫院看到我和我的家人在一起。 我很高興能夠為您的寵物由年幼貓狗到老年進行專業護理保健。 我至誠奉獻,並承諾為您提供優質寵物健康的最佳選擇。”